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Are RC&Ds pro-development, or pro-environment?
The simple answer is: both. We believe people deserve a healthy economy and a healthy environment. Getting there is a challenge, but it's one that RC&Ds are uniquely qualified to address.
RC&D programs are generally staffed with persons who have extensive education and experience in environmental protection. From that base of knowledge, we work with property owners, community leaders, economic development personnel and others to support projects that enhance our natural resources while improving the standard of living in the state of Wisconsin.
We don't pursue a pro-development agenda that simply seeks minimal compliance with environmental regulations. We want long-term solutions, based on scientifically grounded principles of conservation, that create economic development and are good for the environment.
The RC&D program was initiated through federal legislation in 1962. For more than 50 years, Wisconsin’s RC&Ds have striven to offer a unique way for private individuals and groups to work with each other and make Wisconsin a better place to live and work. All of Wisconsin's RC&D groups are 501(c)(3) organizations.
How do RC&Ds operate?
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RC&D is a grassroots program locally directed by an RC&D council. Each council establishes its own governing policies and develops its own programs to fill local needs.
Council membership varies by council and can consist of Land Conservation Committee members assigned by the county board, corporate members, tribal members, and members assigned by other agencies or local communities. Expansion allows broader citizen representation to help identify problems, develop strategies and implement solutions. All of Wisconsin’s RC&D councils have received federal nonprofit 501(c)3 status and State of Wisconsin tax exempt status.
How are RC&Ds funded?
Each council receives annual membership dues to help defray operating expenses. Project monies come from federal, state, local, private, and foundation grants or donations and can consist of hard money or in-kind services.
Generally, projects are administered at the local level. Each of the four RC&D councils serves a defined geographic, but the boundaries can vary based on project needs. For more details or to get started on your project, contact the RC&D location nearest to you.
How do RC&D projects originate?
Project ideas come from a wide variety of sources including private citizens, organizations, elected officials, corporations, agencies and RC&D representatives. RC&D councils review and prioritize these concerns and ideas for inclusion in annual and long-range work plans.
Why is there a state RC&D association?
The individual RC&Ds come together to form the Wisconsin Association of RC&D Councils, Inc. Some fundraising projects are run through the Association, and each council pays annual Association dues. The Association helps pay for council members to attend out-of-state regional and national RC&D functions. The Association also hosts an annual business meeting bringing together all member RC&Ds. Project and information exchange is a benefit of the annual meeting.